Crop Quality
Importance of the Annual Maize Crop Quality Survey
The goal of the Annual Crop Quality Survey is to accumulate quality data on commercial maize on a national level. This valuable data reveals general tendencies, highlights quality differences in the commercial maize produced in different local production regions and provides important information on the quality of commercial maize intended for export. During seasons, when maize is imported for domestic use, the quality of the imported maize can also be compared to that of locally produced maize.
Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives
The investment of the Maize Trust, into the Annual Crop Quality Surveys, has created a unique and extremely useful database of crop quality measurements, over several seasons and regions. A complete statistical analysis of maize quality data since the 2001/2002 season, with results added annually, provides a decision-making tool to the maize industry stakeholders by assisting them with the identification of potential problem areas in maize quality and research-focused activities.
Publications and Reports
Reports are uploaded on an annual basis.